Chealsy: Home town Filipina Pussy’s advantage

You know that cute waitress or sales girl who gave you the “fuck me” eyes. Sure, she’s goina give you her number but like most Filipina Pussy encounters we’ve had here, they’ve got more than just your dick in town. You’ll get to fuck them, date them and enjoy them but at the end of the day, she’s definitely still getting more than just yours. We at Trike Patrol are all too knowing of this fact. It applies to home life and sex tourism life. Despite the fact that most of the other dicks our Filipina Pussy conquests are gobbling down, most are mostly all useless, low life degenerate swine but you can bet, she’s still going to crawl right back to them in a heartbeat after draining you of your swimmers and possibly your wallet after wining, dining and exciting her. Don’t ever forget this fact.. in any part of the world.

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It won’t matter how good looking you may be, how much dough you roll in or how ‘giving’ you feel you are. It doesn’t even matter if your smart or street-wise. The blatant fact of the matter in dealing with Filipina Pussy and those of other races around the world is this: You’re going to have to accept that she’s going to be hitting the local dick just as hard as yours. So unless you physically remove them from home, whether that’s talking about Filipina Pussy or the girl a few towns over in your native America, you have to get her away from her steady source of dick or you’ll stand no chance. Her home-team dick is at her advantage whenever she wants it and she will not give it up. It’s part of her life, part of her being and always waved in her face.

This week’s episode doesn’t really portray what I’m saying here but Chelsea hopped in a trike with this Pinoy stranger here without a second though and it brought these thoughts to my mind. She’s a wanton cock-fiend who spends a lot of her time hopping on strange Pinoy cock in her spare time anyways. It’s a comfort, at-home usual feeling for her. It just goes to show a point: You can take a girl out but you can’t take her home-town cocks out of her pussy long enough to make her your own without taking a drastic relocation or your fuck-toy. So heed my advice above and enjoy this beauty getting fucked like the home-town Filipina Pussy slut she really is! I wanted to get this one filmed and take a week off the back-end of a Filipina to show this point and so you can see just how comfortable and invigorated Filipina Pussy gets when getting it from the home-town “advantage”.


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