Hey man! It’s Mr X posting in place of John this week with a new Filipina pussy excursion for you. And my oh my is this one ever good! You may remember me from the Roseanne the Manila Killah episode or even the Diana Cum Guzzler scene. You would then know that I prefer my girls to be raw, rough and of course, nasty as fuck! I’m not trying to find a pet to show off for mom here, guys. I want hardcore sex with the dirties or LBFM and mostly the sluttiest Filipina pussy that a man can find!
Now I’m not fucking around when it comes to finding the best chicks and on this particular evening, I was on my game. I was browsing the karaoke district of manila and in a mood to fuck! From time to time I show up there in Manila to check out the latest slutty Filipina pussy bargirls to be working the tables. I had to hit 4 or 5 joints before I found this golden slut. She’s a very skinny spinner-style Filipina with a trashy attitude about her. My kind of fuck! She promised to do me all kinds of nasty, so I took her along with me to have a few drinks. Soon after, we hit my hotel room so I can keep on tapping that godamn tweety of mine all up inside her tight, deliciously sticky Filipina pussy! Fuck yeah!

“Shit, got more Filipina pussy for lonely ol’ me?” Damn straight! Click for more!
Now, Naomi’s 20 years old, single, likes handsome men and would love to have sex on the moon. Fuck, she’s going to go some far, isn’t she? Thank god she’s pretty (for now) and loves fucking like it’s a wild little nose-picking obsession.
This girl even came prepared with her own Filipina pussy slut-wear and got dressed to the 9’s before I got to film and smash her innards! Don’t miss this one guys.. I had her sweet little pussy singing for mercy!